For a Free¹ Personal Proposal
showing what needs to be done on your particular website…
Fill in the following and submit…
¹ FREE proposals are only provided for websites from LOCAL businesses. Others can purchase proposals for $350, which will be deducted from the work if hired.
The word “we”, in the preceding context, means “you and i”… i don't give your work to others, i do it all myself, but some of it requires your input… “you” doesn't necessarily mean “you as a person” it can be anyone with the proper knowledge of your business…
This is not a public page… you are here by invitation only… you will not find any of the preceeding advice built into this page, because it is not intended for the general public to find… most people that LOOK FOR this kind of information are competitors… i prefer to NOT give them this information… i am also a sole proprietor…i can only handle a few clients at a time… i don't want everyone calling, only those i choose… you were obviously choosen… WELCOME…